Online Freedom Day
With the long awaited UK Freedom Day approaching (or has it already happened in England? It’s all so confusing) where Covid restrictions will be lifted fully and life will return back to normal- that’s if there ever will be ‘normality’ again, we are asking when the day for online freedom will happen?
You may be wondering why freedom online? You can pretty much speak your mind already, well yes that’s exactly the problem. The online world, and particularly social media, is a host for inappropriate and harmful content. Although your feed may not contain any content which you feel falls into this category, it doesn’t take long before this type of media will pop up on your screens after a quick search. Asking the question- when will the world be as safe from online problems such as hate and image-based abuse, as we will be from Covid-19?
This week we launched our Online Freedom Day campaign, in which we focused on three separate elements that will allow us to get to this prestigious day. Each area, which is related to Covid in some form, allows us to highlight the steps that are needed to be taken in order for the online world to become a safer and healthier place for all.
Removing the Mask
The first element we focused on was Removing the Mask. This section of the campaign was all about lifting the mask on those who are making social media and the Internet an unsafe place, with their harmful and inappropriate content- including the companies who continue to host this type of content. Harmful content on social media can come in many forms- hate speech, trolling, image-based abuse, revenge porn, and child abuse- all things which we are fighting to stop here at DragonflAI.
By revealing those who are at the forefront of this type of content, we can educate companies on the amount of inappropriate content that they are hosting on their platform; removing these types of offenders is the only way to make the Internet a safer place for all.
Passport to Freedom
The second day of our campaign focused on gaining the Passport to Freedom. Representing, hopefully, a lifetime vacation away from harmful content and child abuse on social media platforms. For us having a Passport to Freedom means that those who are affected by any type of online abuse — either image-based, sexual or involvement of children- or any of the number of problems that arise from the online world, having the ability to use it in a safer way and allowing social media users to enter into a healthier and more realistic environment. Thanks to the growing number of socially conscious tech companies in our industry, we are on the way to achieving this.
We want you to think of us as the passport office, giving you the green light to travel to a safer online world, and put those who intend to make it an unhealthy and harmful place on the no flight list.
Vaccination for Protection
Our final part of this Online Freedom Day campaign is Vaccination for Protection. Regardless of what your opinion is on the real Covid vaccines, we know that the only way to make sure that the online world is free from the likes of child abuse, illegal content and generally content which is harmful, particularly to young minds, can only be achieved if we produce a vaccine that will eliminate this type of behaviour and this type of content.
The vaccine comes in the form of technology, like ours, and other companies who are working alongside us to make the online world a safer place for all, and particularly for vulnerable and young users. The ‘vaccination’ that we offer is one of protection and prevention against illegal or unsolicited content, with our hope that the protection that we offer for both companies and platform users means will make Online Freedom Day a reality in the very near future.