What’s the ‘deal’ with Black Friday?
With the most-anticipated shopping day of the year coming tomorrow- Black Friday- and after nearly two years of saving money on things like commuting and lunches at work, it is easy to see why so many could get caught up in the supposed money-saving bargains created by retailers to entice shoppers. With the event now even being extended over the weekend into Cyber Monday, it’s easier than ever to see the savings…
Originally American, the event has become a global phenomenon- with shoppers trampling over each other in Asda to get flat-screen TVs, and blocking up websites whilst on their lunch break. Once retailers released the hype that was associated with Black Friday, it quickly became a seasonal trend, kicking off the start of the holiday period sales- some even saying that it has overtaken in popularity from the annual Boxing Day sales. With it becoming even easier for consumers thanks to online shopping.
Which? have warned however that shoppers should take in consideration that not all deals this year could be genuine, with around 90% of ‘deals’ actually being the same price or cheaper in the six months before the event last year.
So the biggest lesson to be learnt is that you should always do your research. Is there any item that you are waiting to get until Black Friday? Keep an eye on it a few weeks before, and compare it to the price on the big day. It might surprise you! There are lots of price tracking tools that let you know when products go down in price and are a great way of making sure that you are getting the best deal even when it isn’t Black Friday.
Despite a lot of the ‘deals’ this year being questionable, there are however some that appear to be worth waiting up till the wee hours of Friday morning for them to drop. For many, the thought of saving money on Apple products is a thing of the past, however, Amazon does have some offers that could help you if you are looking to save some money on the latest products, with reductions including between £100 and £150 pounds off the latest 2021 Ipad. But Amazon has lots more to offer-with deals on 4K Tvs and laptops- as well as their own devices like Alexas and Fire Sticks.
But before Black Friday, we come together for Thanksgiving (if you’re American, or just a normal Thursday for everyone else) — a time for families to come together, eat turkey, argue, and give thanks for things in their life that make them grateful. This led us to ask our team at DragonflAI what they were thankful for; and once the non-Americans stopped looking incredibly confused about the question, we had a range of answers: Nvidia graphics cards that help us train our tech, tofurkey so we can save the planet while we save the children (and not have to worry about the Xmas shortage), peppa pig world of course, and lastly being thankful for Christmas trees being sold already so we can get festive early!